17 de set. de 2011

Inversão de valores 2

Lendo uma notícia no jornal local em ingles, me fez refletir a estupidez dos jovens. Ao invés de lutar por algo relevante, perdem tempo com besteiras ao invés de levarem as coisas à sério.

Na Universidade da cidade aonde moro resolver vetar o acesso de motocicletas, scooters e lambretas devido ao alto índice de acidentes dentro do campus. Somente veículos em duas rodas que atingíssem velocidade máxima de 20 quilometros por hora poderiam entrar no campus. Porém após os alunos se organizarem para uma manifestação pacífica na terça-feira em frente ao portão, a diretoria da universidade resolveu retirar o veto. Como os alunos haviam se organizado via internet, a adesão era grande, porém será que todos colocariam a cara para bater?

Pena que a universidade não mostrou força para algo que era para o bem-estar dos alunos e voltou atrás.

University drops bike restrictions

    Wang Yuanyuan
    SHENZHEN University suspended restrictions on electric bikes on campus Tuesday after it had been in effect for just seven days.
    According to the restrictions, the speed limit on electric bikes was to be 20 kilometers per hour, and they were banned from entering several areas of campus. Nearly all the gates for checking the bikes were removed.
    The university first announced the electric bike restrictions in June, saying that all electric bikes weighing more than 40 kilograms and capable of speeds of more than 20 kilometers per hour would not be allowed on campus from the beginning of the autumn semester.
    There were about 8,000 electric bikes owned by students and 95 percent did not comply with the regulations. Electric bikes were frequently involved in accidents on campus, the university security department said.
    The university designated eight gates to check electric bikes from Sept. 7, the opening day of the new semester. Bikes that did not comply with the regulations were confiscated by the security department.
    The restrictions caused heated discussion among students and most of those who owned the bikes were not happy.
    Many students wrote to the university president to express their anger and even set up a SZU Electric Bike Ban Association on a microblog, to suggest students boycott the restrictions through non-violent protest.
    According to the microblog, the bike owners planned to protest with a quiet picnic with their bikes in the southwest area of the university Tuesday. But it did not materialize because the university announced the suspension of the restrictions Monday night.
    “It was difficult to restrict the bikes because we did not have the equipment to inspect them. We are now focusing on managing the bikes,” said Li Wenguang, a security department official. 

Fonte: http://szdaily.sznews.com/html/2011-09/16/content_1749158.htm

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